Democratic opponent slams Senator Rand Paul for making joke about presidential race

This presidential race has been a parade of absurdities and oddities, with everything from size jokes to middle school ad hominem attacks becoming the political norm. The frontrunners on the Republican side are people nobody saw standing a chance several months ago and Senator Bernie Sanders is still putting up a fight against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

Sometimes however, to be apart of the ridiculous side of this race, you don’t even need to be in the race. Sometimes you just need to be a Mayor in Kentucky who doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about.

Senator Rand Paul, the son of former Texas Congressman Ron Paul and failed presidential candidate, is an obvious target for Democrats because of his conservative and at times libertarian stances. But what sets Mayor Gray apart from the pack is he isn’t attacking the incumbent Senator for opposing the President’s warrantless wiretapping or voicing concern about the drone program. He isn’t calling out the Senator for any of his stands for the Constitution or the times he stood with the Republican establishment against the Democrats.

Mayor Gray is attacking Senator Paul for making jokes about re-entering the presidential race.

For context, the issue at hand started with a statement completely unrelated to Senator Paul or the state of Kentucky. Instead, it was out of New Hampshire in the aftermath of Governor Chris Christie endorsing Donald Trump for President. As a result of the endorsement, the New Hampshire Union Leader stated they regretted the Governor Christie endorsement as a result.

Senator Paul responded by stating if the Union Leader changed their endorsement and backed him, he would re-enter the race.

As hopeful as Senator Paul supporters were across America that he would actually run again, it was quite clearly a joke. The likelihood of the endorsement switch is unlikely and the idea of a resurrected Paul candidacy for President would be pointless given where the race stands now.

Mayor Gray, who apparently was elected to run a city, can’t detect a joke when it comes up. He took to his official campaign Facebook page to launch a series of attacks at a man with a sense of humor for making jokes.

The first post, which was a cheap and disingenuous fundraising attempt:

Yesterday, Senator Paul said he’d consider restarting his presidential campaign if a New Hampshire newspaper would endorse him. Kentucky deserves a senator that puts us ahead of his presidential ambitions.

Pitch in to support Jim Gray’s campaign today!

Actually, if anything, Senator Paul put Kentucky before his presidential ambitions when he dropped out very early in the primary when it was clear his candidacy wasn’t picking up significant amounts of votes. A joke doesn’t change that, Mr. Mayor.

Mayor Gray then referenced the joke in another cheap attack:

After his caucus and a long break from Kentucky, Sen. Paul’s Presidential aspirations are on hold. Will they return?

Our senator should focus on Kentucky’s future. Washington needs common sense solutions to create better jobs and get things done for Kentucky families.

Is Kentucky buying this candidate, whose best political ammunition is attacking a man for making jokes? If Mayor Gray has the best interests of Kentucky in mind, he’ll close shop on this poor campaign and go back to Lexington.

And hope not a single constituent makes a joke, because they might meet the wrath of the Mayor.

Chris Dixon

About Chris Dixon

Chris Dixon is a libertarian-leaning writer and managing editor for The Liberty Conservative. In addition to his political writing, he also covers baseball for Cleat Geeks and enjoys writing on a number of other topics ranging on Medium.